Submission Guidelines: (NAME)


We appreciate your interest in submitting to our online flash fiction journal (NAME).
We are accepting submissions for online publication on a rolling basis.

  • Your story must be 70 words or less.

  • The story broadly fits within the theme of science fiction; whether it is futuristic or contemporary (or even prehistoric) science is up to the writer.

  • You may submit five pieces at a time, one per page, in a single document, per submission per week.

  • All submissions should be made through our online submission form.

  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

  • We do not accept work previously published online or in print.

  • By submitting, you are confirming that you are the original author of this word and that you hold the copyright.

We will make every effort to respond to submissions within two weeks. We look forward to reading your work and considering it for publication.
We do not offer payment for published work at this time. (NAME) is a free online journal accessible to anyone.

Submit to (NAME)


Submit Flash Fiction to NAME (opens in new tab)

Terms & Conditions

Read the Terms and Conditions for submission (opens in new tab)

Read Terms and Conditions